Pendleton Stormwater Management

Our stormwater quality management efforts allow citizens of Pendleton to enjoy clean, safe water. This page includes information about Pendleton's current stormwater management practices, plans, and partnerships.

What is Stormwater Management?

Stormwater Management refers to the various ways in which communities work to reduce excess levels of runoff from rainwater. Locations with more impervious surfaces such as parking lots and roads create a barrier to rainwater being naturally soaked back into the earth and create a risk of flooding, muddiness, erosion of the built and natural environment, and sewer system overflow.

Pendleton Stormwater Information

The Town of Pendleton has longstanding stormwater standards and a recently enacted stormwater ordinance, which are both aimed at protecting and improving our stormwater practices. Check them out by clicking the links below:

If you have questions about our stormwater fees, consider reading this FAQ that explains how fees are set.

Madison County Storm Water Quality Partnership

The Madison County Storm Water Quality Partnership (MCSWQP) comprises several communities working together to improve stormwater quality in Madison County. The Town of Pendleton is a proud member of this partnership. 

To learn more about MCSWQP, visit their website, or follow their social media.

For more information about what Pendleton has done in partnership with MCSWQP, look over the reports, and additional resources.

Other Stormwater Organizations

Multiple organizations are working hard to keep our water clean. Listed below are two groups that have played an especially important role in keeping Pendleton's waterways healthy. 

Stormwater Remediation Tactics

If you want to know how to help our community maintain and improve our stormwater system, one effective tactic you can use is to install a rain barrel at your house. To learn more facts and benefits of rain barrels, as well as instructions on how to install them, click this link!

To learn more about ways to maintain our water quality, check out this image that was put together for Madison Country residents.